• Seminar on Islam

    Seminar on Islam

    A complete Resources Training Library..

    The seminar is interesting and informative and truthful, with the weight of more than 25 years of personal experience working among Muslims behind it.

    The seminar is in 3 parts,

    First part relating the history of Islam,

    Second part discussing what Muslims believe,

    Third part covering how to share Christ with a Muslim.

    The whole seminar runs around three and a half hours.

    Along with there 26 mp3 Audios lectures by Abd al Masih & sala m Flaki

    At the end of certain sections of the Seminar, there are pauses for review, where questions covering the preceding subject material are briefly shown onscreen.

    There are also numerous Good Study and evangelistic eBooks on Islam and Mission among Muslims and MP3 lectures various on various case study.
    Click to See: Documentation


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GMM: Goal

The goal of the Grace Multimedia Ministry team is to make Christ as the Lord known to Unknown through Audio, Video and Internet. Vision to accomplish this goal by utilizing prayer, planning, preparation and practice while keeping our priorities of God, family and Assembly in order. We will seek how best we can use this media and technology to help and facilitate 1.Bringing people to know Jesus, 2.Helping people to grow in Jesus 3.Sending people to show Jesus. Would you like to join us for this great and noble Service of our Lord Jesus to take His and reach to unreached Muslims of South East Asia through Audios and Videos?? For His Glory Sabir Ali write me: Info.Ministryofgrace(AT)

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Seminar on Islam ONLINE

Watch a free, three part Seminar on Islam online.